
在您購買Emma商品前,麻煩請仔細閱讀服務條款急規定,同意以下公告內容後再進行購買。此條款說明了Emma Matratzen GmbH,Wilhelm-Leuschner-Straße 78,60329 Frankfurt a.M.(賣方)收集和使用個人數據的原因,項目,和目的。以下條款適用於賣方(Emma)與買方(消費者)之間簽訂的所有訂單合約,並承認訂單。


1. 這些條款和條件的適用範圍

1.1 當我們向您提供產品時,這些是適用的條款和條件。合約與 Emma Matratzen GmbH, Wilhelm-Leuschner-Straße 78, 60329 Frankfurt am Main 成立於德國,商業登記號碼:Amtsgericht Frankfurt HRA 103278(以下簡稱 "我們")簽訂。

1.2 這些條款和條件適用於您作為消費者通過我們的網上商店(https://www.emma-sleep.com.tw)下單。 "消費者" 指完全或主要在個人的貿易、商業、手藝或專業之外目的下行事的人。如果您通過我們的網上商店下單並非作為消費者,這些條款和條件在某些方面可能會有所變化。如果有這樣的變化,這在這些條款和條件中會有所說明。

1.3 在向我們提交訂單之前,您應仔細閱讀這些條款和條件。這些條款告訴您我們如何提供產品、您或我們如何更改或終止合約,如果您的訂單有問題該怎麼辦,以及其他重要資訊。

2. 如何形成合約

2.1 我們在網路上展示的商品僅為邀請您提出報價的邀約(廣告),並非具有約束力的銷售要約。您可以透過我們網路商店中的訂購系統提出購買要約。

2.2 在網路商店中購買商品時,您欲購買的商品將被放置於虛擬的「購物車」中。您可以在網站上的任何頁面查看和存取您的虛擬「購物車」,並可對現有的「購物車」進行更改。當您決定購買您購物車中的產品時,您可以輸入個人資料、選擇付款方式和選擇運送條件。在購買前,您有機會檢查、更改或取消全部購買。當您點擊「現在購買」按鈕時,即表示您已向我們提出購買產品的報價。

2.3 您可以在下單前返回網站,方法是在網頁瀏覽器中點選「返回」按鈕,或關閉網頁瀏覽器以取消訂單流程。

2.4 當我們發送電子郵件確認接受您的訂單時,我們即接受您的訂單。此時,您與我們之間的合約即成立。

2.5 如果我們無法接受您的報價,我們會通知您,並不會向您收取產品的費用。我們可能無法接受您的訂單,因為產品缺貨,由於我們的資源出現了無法合理計劃的意外限制,因為我們發現產品的價格或描述錯誤,或因為我們無法滿足您指定的交貨期限。如果您是企業且想要下較大訂單,請先查詢可用性。

2.6 即使我們盡最大努力,仍有可能有一些產品價格標示不正確。通常在接受您的訂單之前,我們會檢查價格,如果您下單時產品的正確價格低於我們當時標示的價格,我們將收取較低的金額。如果產品的正確價格高於您下單時的價格,我們將與您聯繫以征求指示,然後才接受您的訂單。如果我們接受並處理了明顯的定價錯誤訂單,且您合理上應該能夠識別出定價錯誤,我們可能會終止合約,退還您支付的任何款項,並要求您退回任何已提供給您的商品。

3. 價格及運費

3.1 價格包含了增值稅 (如適用)。您在下單時看到的價格是最終價格,它們包括了所有價格成分及相關稅項。僅在跨境運輸時,買家可能需要向負責海關及稅務機構支付額外的稅項和/或關稅。

3.2 套餐優惠不能與其他折扣同時使用。

3.3 您不需承擔運費。

4. 配送

4.1 我們會在接受您的訂單後的40天內將產品送達您指定的地址,除非有其他規定。

4.2 我們不對無法控制的延遲負責。如果產品的供應因我們無法控制的事件而延遲,我們將盡快與您聯繫通知您。我們會採取措施來減少延遲的影響。只要我們做到這一點,我們就不會對因該事件造成的延遲負責,但如果存在實質延遲的風險,您可以聯繫我們終止合約並獲得退款。

4.3 如果商品無法提供,任何預先支付的款項都會立即退還。

4.4 從我們將商品交付到我們提供的送貨地址起,商品將由您負責。

4.5 如果您不在送貨地址或沒有人接收,我們會留下紙條通知您如何重新安排送貨或從當地集貨站提取產品。我們與外部物流合作夥伴一起進行產品運輸,對其延遲或其他問題不承擔責任。我們會盡力協助您完成運輸流程。

4.6 如果您未按照安排從我們那裡收取產品,或者在交貨失敗後未重新安排交貨或從交貨站收取產品,我們會聯繫您獲取進一步的指示,並可能向您收取存儲費用和任何進一步的運輸費用。如果我們盡了合理的努力仍無法與您聯繫以重新安排交貨或收取產品,我們可能會終止合約並要求您賠償因您拒絕收貨而造成的任何損失。如果您未接受貨物,我們保留向第三方出售商品或讓您承擔任何損失的權利。

5. 配送地區


6. 產品



7.1 我們保留所購買物品的所有權,直到您全額支付發票為止。

7.2 如果您未能按時履行支付義務,所有未付款項目立即到期。


8.1 這些條款反映了Emma Matratzen GmbH對台灣客戶提供的信譽保證。此信譽保證確保了100天的退貨期,且退貨運費由我們支付。

8.2 如欲行使信譽保證下的取消權,您必須透過郵寄或電子郵件等方式向我們Emma Matratzen GmbH的Frankfurt am Main分公司(地址:Wilhelm-Leuschner-Straße 78, 60329 Frankfurt am Main)提出清晰的解釋闡明您決定在信譽保證下取消此合約。您也可以使用8.7款的範本撤銷表格。為了享有信譽保證,必須在100天信譽保證期限屆滿前發送通知以行使取消權。

8.3 如果您依照信譽保證取消此合約,我們會免費從原先交付產品的地址取回床墊。退款我們將使用您在原始交易中使用的同一付款方式,除非您已明確同意使用其他方式;在任何情況下,您都不需要為此退款支付費用。我們可能會拒絕退款,直到我們收回商品或您證明您已歸還商品,以較早者為準。

8.4 如果您在處理商品時造成其價值減少(不是在商店內允許的方式),我們可能會減少您退款的價格(不包括運費)。如果我們在能夠檢查商品之前退還您已支付的價格,並且隨後發現您以不可接受的方式處理了商品,您必須支付適當的金額。需要澄清的是,這僅適用於您疏忽地損壞了產品,而不是合理使用和使用它的目的。由外部因素(例如運輸過程中的損壞)造成的損壞不會導致退款金額減少。

8.5 詳細的100天試用期條款和條件請參閱https://www.emma-sleep.com.tw/en/100-night-trial/。

9. 產品問題

9.1 我們有法律責任提供符合本合約的產品。請參閱下方方框,以了解您與產品相關的主要法律權利摘要。這些條款不影響您的法律權利。這是您主要的法律權利摘要。但是,這些權利會受到某些例外情況的限制。

9.2 如果您想行使拒絕產品的法律權利,您必須將產品退還給我們(或允許我們向您收回產品)。我們將支付郵費或取件費用。

10. 根據本合約退貨

10.1 如果您按照退貨保證結束此合約,我們將從我們原先向您發送產品的地址免費收回床墊。請發送電子郵件至 [email protected],以安排收取。請注意,退換貨以及其他試用條款僅在您自德國Emma 官方網頁("https://www.emma-sleep.com.tw/")適用。若您自其他通路購買,請參考其通路適用政策。

11. 合約語言、合約文字儲存


12. 法律管轄


13. 責任限制

13.1 我們對由我們造成的可預見損失和損害負責。如果我們未能遵守這些條款,我們對您遭受的因我們違反本條款(: 合約)或未能合理謹慎使用所產生的損失或損害負責,但我們不對不可預見的損失或損害負責。只有當損失或損害是明顯會發生,或在合約締結時我們和您都知道可能會發生時,損失或損害才是可預見的,例如,如果您在銷售過程中與我們討論了這個問題。

13.2 我們不排除或限制您的任何法定權利。如果這樣做是非法的,這包括對於因我們的疏忽或我們的員工、代理人或分包商的疏忽所造成的死亡或人身傷害、欺詐或欺詐性陳述、有關產品的您的法定權利的侵犯。

13.3 我們不對商業損失負責。我們僅向您提供產品供家庭和私人使用。如果您將產品用於任何商業、企業或轉售目的,我們對您的任何利潤損失、業務損失、業務中斷或業務機會損失不負責。

15. 隱私政策


III. 條款16至18是補充條款,如果您不是消費者,這些條款將適用。

16. 風險轉移


17. 保固

17.1 保固期限根據不同產品有所不同,請參照下方條款(17.8-17.10)。這不適用於因賣方的過失或故意欺詐或誤導行為所造成的傷害、身體或健康損害。

17.2 只有我們的詳細資訊和商品說明被視為同意;而不包括我們的其他廣告、公開承諾和聲明。

17.3 如果您不是消費者,您有責任立即檢查商品,並對質量和數量偏差進行適當的審查,並在收到商品後7天內以書面通知我們任何明顯的缺陷。對於您後來發現的任何缺陷,同樣適用此規定。

17.4 此條款所提供的保固將不適用於您不是作為消費者行事且未檢查商品並通知我們任何缺陷的情況。

17.5 在商品有瑕疵的情況下,我們將根據自己的選擇,通過維修或更換交付方式履行保固。如果我們未能兩次修復故障,您可以要求減少購買價格或撤銷合約。

17.6 在後續改善的情況下,如果商品的運輸不符合商品的預期使用目的,買方應承擔由於商品被運送到與履行地點不同的地方所產生的額外費用。


17.8 對於Emma床墊的核心材料的尺寸穩定性和耐久性,我們提供10年保固。此保固自在台灣,歐盟和瑞士收到Emma床墊之日起開始生效,並通過將貨物退回Emma Matratzen GmbH,Wilhelm-Leuschner-Straße 78,60329 Frankfurt或由我們的第三方取回貨物後退回Emma Matratzen GmbH。 法定撤銷和保固權利不變。為確保順利處理保固索賠,請客戶提供受影響產品和床板合適的照片。此保固包括以下情況:

• 發生在正常使用和正確操作下的泡沫板出現的裂痕,凹痕或損壞。

• 當拉鍊有產品製造損壞時。


• 由個人舒適偏好造成的損壞。

• 出現切割,燒燙,裂紋,液體或污漬等損壞。

• 更換Emma床墊的任何未損壞部分。

• 未經官方經銷商提供的任何Emma床墊。

• 任何未作為新產品出售的床墊。

17.9 對於Emma 床架的耐久性,我們提供2年保固。此保固在台灣且收到Emma床架之日起開始生效。 若您認爲此產品在保固年限期間有產品上的瑕疵,請您透過[email protected]聯絡Emma 台灣客服。請您提供相關圖片/購買證明/其他相關資訊,若我們判斷您的產品出現的問題含在保固範圍内,我們會透過更換產品/維修產品或是退還您購買時價格的方式處理。請注意,保固並不包含正常使用情況下的折舊,個人原因造成不當損害或刻意損害。另外,保固僅適用於原購買者,且會根據產品情況判斷合理的處理方式。

17.10 對於Emma 床墊、床架之外的產品(記憶枕、床墊保護套、竹纖維被、棉被)不提供保固,僅適用網路購買7天鑒賞期,若您在產品拆封時發現有瑕疵,請您在產品簽收的7天(含假日)内告知客服。

18. 延長產權保留

18.1 在您非消費者的情況下,我們保留所售貨物的所有權,直到因目前商業關係而產生的所有訴求得到完全清償。相應的擔保權利可轉讓給第三方。在保留貨物所有權轉移之前,買方無權將貨物質押或以其作為擔保。

18.2 在您非消費者的情況下,您有權在日常業務中轉售貨物。在這種情況下,購買人應將所有從轉售中產生的訴求在發票金額的範圍內事先轉讓給賣方。賣方接受該金額的轉讓。購買人還有權收取債務。如果買方未能適當履行其支付義務,賣方保留自行收取該訴求的權利。在保留貨物情況下,如果貨物連接和混合,賣方在處理時擁有新物品的共有權,其比例為保留貨物發票價值與其他處理物品的比值。賣方承諾在買方的要求下釋放抵押品,前提是抵押品價值超過應該保障的訴求金額超過10%。選擇要釋放的擔保權利由賣方決定。

19. 朋友介紹,朋友推薦計畫

19.1 朋友推薦計畫

若您想參加朋友推薦計畫,您必須是Emma的客戶並擁有Emma客戶帳戶。要推薦朋友,請前往您的客戶帳戶,點擊「我的被推薦朋友」標籤,然後分享您的個人優惠碼在個人社交媒體帳戶上。禁止在網路上公開或出現優惠碼。如果違反規則,我們保留取消參加資格和回饋的權利。優惠碼僅適用於在www.emma-sleep.com.tw上的購買。最低消費為NT$11,000。優惠碼可與Emma整個產品系列及其他優惠和促銷活動一起使用。如果被推薦的朋友在100個夜晚的試用期過後繼續使用Emma產品,您將有資格獲得NT$1500折扣碼獎勵。要領取NT$1500折扣碼獎勵,請通過電子郵件[email protected]聯繫我們的客戶服務團隊。可能會有限制。

19.2 條件

如果優惠券在網路上公開或出現在任何搜索引擎上,我們保留使其無效的權利。在這種情況下,推薦人也會失去NTD $1500折扣碼獎勵的申請權。從8月31日開始,現金獎勵支付次數限制為三次。如果推薦人的訂單被取消,優惠券代碼將變為無效,申請NT$1500折扣碼獎勵的權利也會丟失。如果訂單退貨,折扣碼獎勵的申請權也會丟失。推薦人和被推薦人不能是同一個人。住在同一個家庭或直系親屬之間的人不能被推薦。客戶不得使用虛假或多個電子郵件地址或客戶帳戶,也不能使用虛假身份參加朋友推薦計畫。如果客戶未滿足必要的要求或以其他方式違反。

21. 客戶服務

我們的客戶服務部門提供問題和投訴的支援,服務時間為週一至週五早上9點至晚上6點(不包含例假日)。電子郵件:[email protected]

22. 其他重要條款

22.1 如果法院裁定本合同的某部分違法,剩下的部分仍然有效。本條款的每個段落都是獨立運作的。如果任何法院或有關當局裁定其中任何一條款非法,剩餘的條款仍然完全有效。

22.2 沒有其他人有權根據本合同享有任何權利。本合同是您和我們之間的協議。沒有其他人有權執行其任何條款。

22.3 如果我們不立即要求您履行您在本條款下需要履行的任何義務,或者如果我們延遲採取措施來處理您違反本合同的行為,這並不意味著您無需執行這些義務,並且這也不會阻止我們在稍後的時間採取行動。

1. Application of these Terms and Conditions

1.1 These are the terms and conditions which apply when we supply product(s) to you. The contract is with Emma Matratzen GmbH, Wilhelm-Leuschner-Straße 78, 60329 Frankfurt am Main, established in Germany with commercial register entry: Amtsgericht Frankfurt HRA 103278 (hereafter referred to as "us").

1.2 These terms and conditions apply to all orders placed via our Internet shop (https://www.emma-sleep.com.tw) by you acting as a consumer "Consumer" means a person acting for purposes which are wholly or mainly outside that individual’s trade, business, craft or profession. Where you place an order via our Internet shop and are not acting as a consumer these terms and conditions may vary in certain respects. Where there is such a variation this is indicated in these terms and conditions.

1.3 You should read these terms and conditions carefully before submitting an order to us. These terms tell you how we will provide product(s), how you or us may change or end the contract and what to do if there is a problem with your order, and other important information.

2. How the contract is formed

2.1 Our offer of goods on the Internet constitutes an invitation to treat (an advertisement) this means it is not a binding offer to sell. You may submit your offer to buy via our order system integrated into our online shop.

2.2 When purchasing goods via the online shop, the goods you intend to purchase are placed in the virtual “shopping cart”. You can view and access your virtual “shopping cart” at any time and on each page of the website and can make changes to your existing “shopping cart.” Once you have decided to purchase the product(s) in your shopping cart you can enter your personal details, select the method of payment and select the shipping conditions. Prior to purchase you are afforded the opportunity to check, change, or cancel the purchase in its entirety. By clicking the “Buy now” button you will have offered to buy the product(s) from us.

2.3 You may return to the Internet site before placing your order by clicking on the “back” button found in the Internet browser, after checking your information and/or close the internet browser to cancel the order process.

2.4 Our acceptance of your order will take place when we email you to accept your order. At this point a contract will come into existence between you and us.

2.5 If we are unable to accept your offer, we will inform you of this and will not charge you for the product(s). We may not be able to accept your order because the product(s) is out of stock, because of unexpected limits in our resources which could not be reasonably planned for, because we have identified an error in the price or description of the product(s), or because we are unable to meet a delivery deadline which you have specified. If you would like to place larger order as a company, please check the availability beforehand.

2.6 It is always possible that, despite our best efforts, some of the product(s) we sell may be incorrectly priced. We will normally check prices before accepting your order so that, where the product(s)’s correct price at your order date is less that our stated price at your order date, we will charge the lower amount. If the product(s)’s correct price at your date is higher than the price stated to you, we will contact you for your instructions before we accept your order. If we accept and process your order where a pricing error is obvious and unmistakeable and could reasonably have been recognized by you as a mispricing, we may end the contract, refund you any sums you have paid and require the return of any goods provided to you.

3. Prices and shipping costs

3.1 Prices include VAT (if applicable). The prices stated on the order page when you placed your order are the final prices. They include all price components including all applicable taxes. Only in the case of cross-border delivery can additional taxes and/or duties (e.g. duties) be required by the buyer for payment, to the responsible customs and tax authorities.

3.2 Bundle deals cannot be combined with other discounts.

3.3 You bear no responsibility for the shipping costs.

4. Delivery

4.1 We will deliver the product(s) to you within 40 days after the day on which we accept your order, unless other specifications.

4.2 We are not responsible for delays outside of our control. If the supply of the product(s) is delayed by an event outside our control then we will contact you as soon as possible to let you know. We will take steps to minimize the effect of the delay. Provided we do this, we will not be liable for delays caused by the event, but if there is a risk of substantial delay you may contact us to end the contract and receive a refund for any product(s)s you have paid for but not received.

4.3 In case of the non-availability of goods a possible advance payment will be refunded without delay.

4.4 The product(s) will be your responsibility from the time we deliver the product(s) to the delivery address provided to us.

4.5 If you are not at the delivery address or if no one is available to take delivery we will leave you a note informing you of how to rearrange delivery or collect the product(s) from a local depot. We work with external logistic partners for product delivery, and take no responsibility for delays or other issues from their behalf. We try our best to assist you in the delivery process.

4.6 If you do not collect the product(s) from us as arranged, or if, after failed delivery to you, you do not re-arrange delivery or collect the product(s) from a delivery depot we will contact you for further instructions and may charge you for storage costs and any further delivery costs. If, despite our reasonable efforts, we are unable to contact you to re-arrange delivery or collection we may end the contract and claim for any loss caused by your refusal to take delivery. If you are in default of acceptance, we reserve the right to sell the goods to a third party or to hold you liable for any loss.

5. Delivery Area

Unfortunately we do not accept orders from or deliver to addresses outside of Taiwan.

6. Our Product(s)

Product(s) may vary slightly from their pictures. The images of the product(s) on our website are for illustrative purposes only.

7. Reservation of title

7.1 We retain ownership of the purchased item until the invoice has been paid in full by you.

7.2 If you are in arrears for any payment obligations, all outstanding sums are immediately due.

8. Our goodwill guarantee

8.1 These terms reflect the goodwill guarantee offered by Emma Matratzen GmbH of Frankfurt am Main to its TW customers. This goodwill guarantee assures a 100 day possible return period, and that We pay the return costs.

8.2 To exercise the right of cancellation under our goodwill guarantee, you must contact us, Emma Matratzen GmbH, Wilhelm-Leuschner-Straße 78, 60329 Frankfurt am Main, with a clear explanation (for example, by Mail or e-mail) about your decision to cancel this contract under the goodwill guarantee. You can also use the sample revocation form at Clause 8.7. In order to benefit from the goodwill guarantee, it is necessary for you to send the notification of the exercise of the right of cancellation before the end of the 100 day goodwill guarantee period.

8.3 If you cancel this contract in accordance with the goodwill guarantee we will pick up the mattress from the same address we delivered it to for free. For such repayment, we use the same payment you used in the original transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise; In no case will you be charged for these repayment fees. We may refuse the repayment until we have recovered the goods or until you have proved that you have returned the goods, whichever is earlier.

8.4 We may reduce your refund of the price (excluding delivery costs) to reflect any reduction in value of the product(s), if this has been caused by your handling them in a way which would not be permitted in a shop. If we refund you the price paid before we are able to inspect the goods and later discover you have handled them in an unacceptable way, you must pay us an appropriate amount. To clarify, this only applies when you carelessly damage the product not for using it appropriately and for its purpose. Damages by external factors (e.g. damages during delivery) will not reduce the refund price for you.

8.5 Please refer to https://www.emma-sleep.com.tw/en/100-night-trial/ for the most updated terms and conditions of 100 night trial period.

9. Problems with the product(s)

9.1 We are under a legal duty to supply products that are in conformity with this contract. See the box below for a summary of your key legal rights in relation to the product. Nothing in these terms will affect your legal rights. This is a summary of your key legal rights. These are subject to certain exceptions.

9.2 If you wish to exercise your legal rights to reject products you must either return them to us (or allow us to collect them from you). We will pay the costs of postage or collection.

10. Returning product(s) under this contract

10.1 If you end this contract in accordance with the goodwill guarantee we will pick up the mattress from the same address we delivered it to for free. Please send email to us at [email protected] to arrange collection.

11. Contract language, storage of the contract text

This contract is offered exclusively in English. The contract text (order data and general terms and conditions) is filed and stored by us. The storage is, however, only temporary and is not accessible to you. If you wish to file and store these terms and conditions you will have to do so separately.

12. Governing Law

These terms and conditions, and any separate agreements whereby we provide you Services shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Taiwan. You agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the local courts.

13. Limitation of liability

13.1 We are responsible to you for foreseeable loss and damage caused by us. If we fail to comply with these terms, we are responsible for loss or damage you suffer that is a foreseeable result of our breaking this contract or our failing to use reasonable care and skill, but we are not responsible for any loss or damage that is not foreseeable. Loss or damage is foreseeable if either it is obvious that it will happen or if, at the time the contract was made, both we and you knew it might happen, for example, if you discussed it with us during the sales process.

13.2 We do not exclude or limit in any way our liability to you where it would be unlawful to do so. This includes liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence or the negligence of our employees, agents or subcontractors; for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; for breach of your legal rights in relation to the product(s)s.

13.3 We are not liable for business losses. We only supply the product(s)s for domestic and private use. If you use the product(s)s for any commercial, business or re-sale purpose we will have no liability to you for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption, or loss of business opportunity.

15. Privacy Policy

Your personal details will be treated by us in accordance with applicable data protection regulations and according to our Privacy Policy which contains full details of the way in which we store and use your personal information.

III. Clauses 16 to 18 are Supplementary terms which will apply if you are not a consumer

16. Transfer of risk

The risk of accidental loss and accidental deterioration of the purchased goods shall be transferred to you where you are not a consumer as soon as we have handed the goods to the freight forwarder, freight carrier or other person or institution who is otherwise responsible for the shipment.

17. Warranty

17.1 The warranty period differs from each product, please refer to clause 17.8 to 17.10. This does not apply to damages resulting from injury to life, body or health, which is attributable to the seller and not to gross negligence or willful deliberate damage or misrepresentation by us.

17.2 Only our details and the product(s) description of the product(s) are deemed as agreed upon; but not other advertising, public promises and statements by us.

17.3 If you are not a consumer, you are obliged to examine the goods immediately and perform due diligence on quality and quantity deviations and to notify obvious defects within 7 days from receipt of the goods to us in writing. The same applies to any defects you find later.

17.4 The warranty provided under this clause will not apply where you are not acting as a consumer and have not examined the product(s) and notified us of any defects.

17.5 We will fulfill the warranty in the case of defective goods at our option by repair or replacement delivery. If we fail to rectify the fault two times, you may demand a reduction or withdraw from the contract.

17.6 In the case of subsequent improvement, the buyer shall bear the increased costs resulting from the fact that the goods have been transported to a place other than the place of performance, provided that the shipment does not correspond to the intended use of the goods.

17.7 Please refer tp https://www.emma-sleep.com.tw/en/10-year-guarantee/ for the details and conditions of warranty service.

17.8 On the Emma mattress we give a 10-year guarantee on the dimensional stability and durability of the core materials. This warranty is valid from receipt of the Emma mattress, within TW , the EU, and Switzerland, and is returned to Emma Matratzen GmbH by returning the goods to Emma Matratzen GmbH, Wilhelm-Leuschner-Straße 78, 60329 Frankfurt, or after picking up the goods by our third-party. The legal revocation and warranty rights remain unchanged. In order to ensure a smooth handling of the guarantee claim, the customer is asked to provide appropriate photo material of the affected product(s) and slat grate. This warranty is: • Cracks, dings or damage to the foam, which have arisen despite proper use and proper handling. • In case of product(s)ion damage at the zipper. This warranty does not apply: • For personal comfort preferences • In the case of damage caused, inter alia, but not exclusively by cuts, burns, cracks, liquids or stains. • Replacement of any non-damaged parts of the Emma mattress. • Any Emma mattress not supplied by an official dealer. • Any mattress that has not been sold as a new product(s).

17.9 We warrant that Emma Bed will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for 2 years. If you believe that your product is defective, you must contact us at [email protected] to initiate a warranty claim. To make a claim, you need to provide proof of purchase and other information about the defect. If we determine that your product is covered by our warranty, we will repair or replace it, at our discretion. Please note that the warranty does not cover normal wear and tear, misuse, or damage caused by improper care or maintenance. Also, the warranty only applies to the original purchaser of the product and may be subject to certain limitations and exclusions.

17.10 For products other than Emma mattresses and bed frames (such as memory foam pillows, mattress protectors, bamboo fiber blankets, and cotton blankets), no warranty is provided. Only a 7-day appreciation period is applicable for online purchases. If you find any defects when unpacking the product, please inform customer service within 7 days (including holidays) after receiving the product.

18. Extended retention of title

18.1 We retain ownership of the goods where you are not a consumer until the complete settlement of all claims arising from the current business relationship. The corresponding Security rights are transferable to third parties. Prior to the transfer of ownership of the reserved goods, the buyer is not entitled to pledge the goods or to surrender them for security.

18.2 Where you are not acting as a consumer you are entitled to resell the goods in the ordinary course of business. In this case, the purchaser shall already assign all claims arising from the resale to the seller in the amount of the invoice amount. The seller accepts the amount assignment. The purchaser is also authorized to collect the debt. The seller reserves the right to collect the claim itself if the buyer does not properly fulfill his payment obligations. (3) In case of connection and mixing of the reserved goods, the seller acquires co-ownership of the new item in the ratio of the invoice value of the reserved goods to the other processed items at the time of the processing. (4) The seller undertakes releasing the collateral which is due to him at the buyer's request insofar as the value of the collateral exceeds the claim to be secured by more than 10%. The choice of securities to be released is incumbent upon the seller.

19. Friends advertise, friends referral program

19.1 Refer-a-friend

In order to be eligible for the Refer-A-Friend program, you have to be an Emma customer and have an Emma customer account. To refer a friend, go to your customer account, click on the “My referred friends“ tab and share your personal discount code on personal social media account. It is forbidden to made the code public on the internet or appears on any search engine. We reserve the right to cancel the eligibility of participation and rebate should a violation of rule is observed. The voucher code is only valid on purchases made on www.emma-sleep.com.tw The minimum spend is NT$11,000 . The voucher code can be used on the entire Emma range and in conjunction with other offers and promotions. You are entitled to the NT$1500 cash reward if the referred friend keeps their Emma products beyond their 100-night trial period. To receive the NT$1500 cash reward, contact our customer service team by sending an email to [email protected]. Restrictions might apply.

19.2 Conditions

We reserve the right to invalidate the voucher if it is made public on the internet or appears on any search engine. In this case the referrer also loses their claim to the NTD $1500 cash reward. Starting from 31st August, the number of cash reward pay-outs is limited to three. The voucher code becomes invalid if the referrer’s order is cancelled and the claim to the NT$ 1500 cash reward is lost. The claim to the cash reward is also lost if the order is returned. The referrer and the referred cannot be the same person. People living in the same household or immediate family members cannot be referred. Customers are prohibited from using fake or multiple email addresses or customer accounts and cannot use fictious identities to take part in the Refer-A-Friend program. We reserve the right to exclude customers from participating in this promotion, if they do not meet the necessary requirements or violate the rules in any other way. We also reserve the right to cancel the Refer-A-Friend program without further notice. Customer purchase on emma-sleep.com.tw are eligible for the program. Customers purchase with retailers or with others are not eligible for the program. For further questions about the Refer-A-Friend program please contact our customer service by sending an email to [email protected]

21. Customer service

Our customer service for questions, and complaints is available from 4 pm to 9 pm on weekdays. E-Mail: [email protected]

22. Other Important Terms

22.1 If a court finds part of this contract illegal, the rest will continue in force. Each of the paragraphs of these terms operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining paragraphs will remain in full force and effect.

22.2 Nobody else has any rights under this contract. This contract is between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of its terms.

22.3 If we do not insist immediately that you do anything you are required to do under these terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of your breaking this contract, that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us taking steps against you at a later date.